Monday, May 5, 2008

Rock your new recording or film project, with String, Horn, Arrangements and Compositions


Are you embarking on the complicated process of producing a new musical recording?

Need a haunting soundtrack with world music possibilities?

Would you like professional printed charts for your songs so any player can work with you?

Take your music to the next level with professional arrangements and charts.

Are you a producer looking for a quality minded arranger who will kick ass?

Whether you are a singer who wants good charts for the rhythm section, or singer/songwriter who wants to add a string quartet or brass section to that haunting ballad, I can help.

For the past seven years I've put on a concert series where I had to create new arrangements on a montly basis.

I've worked with Grammy Winner Shawn Colvin, Eliza Gilkyson and many more.

Checkout the music and videos below and to the sides to hear samples of my work as well as this one on the Hideout Studio Home page.

I can be reached at 512-775-2371 or email at
